Market Driven Programming

The latest turn in the computer science industry is a new development process called "Marketing Driven Programming."

It is designed to make it easier for people who don’t have programming experience, but who do work in the Marketing Department, to develop applications independently of a technology or programming staff.

Marketing Driven Programming requires a voice-recognition element, because people from Marketing Department are (seemingly) much clearer when speaking, but the meaning of their thoughts are completely lost when committed to the written word and are able to be systematically analyzed.

The process amounts to a Marketing Expert speaking into a microphone, or to an individual that the Marketing Expert will treat as a microphone. For example, he might say, "I need a robust, multi-tiered, fault-tolerant, enterprise-class, innovative, xml, j2ee, turn-key, hands-off solution ASAP."

At this point, the Marketing Driven Programming process begins.

Step 1: BLORK!

Step 2: Marketing Expert double-clicks on the setup.exe icon to receive and implement the solution.

NOTE: Step 1 may take a while. Please be patient. The process will initially report the completion time to be 3 months, but it may eventually take 9 months to 2 years to complete